Women’s Insider Circle

“Will I always feel this way?”

“Like I have to do everything… like it’s all on me??!!”

Women are such amazing creatures. We are beautiful, intelligent, and complex. We are so much more powerful than we give ourselves credit for.

We can be so hard on ourselves, always driving for perfection and making the world how we think it should be. At times, we can be pretty hard on those around us too.

But often, the worst thing is how much we take on ourselves, making everyone else’s issues our own. Plus, we have our own problems to deal with!

It’s so easy to forget how to stop, take care of ourselves, and ask for the support we need and want.

I get you.

You probably have a good job or are hard at work in your own business. But even if you have an okay husband, good kids, and a pet or two, you’re overworked, stressed, and exhausted. You feel like everything is on your shoulders.

You know you should take better care of yourself, but who has time for that?

You know others around you care, but it’s not always easy going to others for help.

And even when you do speak up or ask for help, it doesn’t really go anywhere, and you end up doing it all yourself.

You want to have success and happiness in all areas of your life. You want to have a great business or career, be a great mother, and have an amazing relationship, but it just doesn’t seem to work out that way.

One or more areas always seem to be lacking.

They say you can’t have it all, but I don’t believe that.

People believe they have to give up something to get what they truly want. There is some truth to that, meaning we all have limited time and energy and therefore have to choose our focus. But that doesn’t mean we have to sacrifice what is important to us. I know life isn’t perfect, and there are bumps in the road. That doesn’t ever have to stop you from having it all. When you take the time to identify your priorities, become intentional in your actions, and learn to ask for support, you can be fulfilled and content in all areas of your life.

To have it all, you have to create your own internal happiness.

Though many things outside of us can make us momentarily happy, like listening to your children laugh, lunch with your best friend, a nice massage, or a romantic date night out, those moments come and go, and you are left with yourself. Ongoing internal happiness starts within you. It’s not about what’s going on around you. It’s about what goes on inside of you. It’s about how you think about things and how you respond no matter what’s going on.

To create this internal happiness, you have to know yourself and why you are the way you are. You can’t change something if you aren’t even aware of it. Then you have to control yourself. What get’s in your way time and time again is giving in to your negative feelings and believing the negative stories you tell yourself (we all do this). You can learn very specific skills to manage these better, so they don’t get in your way. Finally, you need to know how to speak up and stand up for yourself effectively.

When you’ve got this, you have created your own happiness within you. Then it’s much easier to create happiness around you.

A loving and supportive community of women is the perfect place to get started.

When women are surrounded by other strong, smart, competent women supporting them, their world can change for the better.

There’s something about coming together in a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment that creates a shift in all the women in the group.

When it comes to relationships, there’s a saying that “one plus one doesn’t equal two.” This means that when two people get together, additional elements (like energy and dynamics) become a part of that relationship.

The same is true for groups. Think about it, when things have really clicked between you and someone else, extra good happens, right? By belonging to a community, a shared experience increases each other’s energy, knowledge, motivation, and caring.

Throughout my years of getting my license and building my business, I have always been a part of a community. I’ve been in groups with other people with shared goals and interests. And it has never failed that I have received a tremendous amount of knowledge and resources but have also experienced caring and accountability that has helped me be a better person. This can be true for you, too. We become better in many relationships.

This is why groups are an extra plus that will help you “have it all.”

It’s my job to set up the group (and YOU!) for success.

So, when you and I connect, the first thing we’ll do is decide if the group is an ideal fit for you. Then, after determining the most pressing needs of each amazing woman in the group, I will customize the content and direction for our Women’s Insider Circle.

As women, we have so many balls we juggle all the time, and they are all important to us. I will make sure that what is important to each woman in the group will be addressed. Topics may include: building your business or career, having better working relationships, improving parenting knowledge and skills, what makes a healthy relationship (if you are looking for one) or how to improve the relationship you already have, how to ask for what you want effectively and be heard, how to implement strategies for your self-care and more.

I’ll craft our journey so that you all get your desired results. After 25 plus years of working with thousands of people, there isn’t much I haven’t seen or dealt with. Whatever is in your way or keeping you from getting what you want, I have most likely helped someone else get there. I’ll bring all that knowledge into our group to establish a successful group experience for you.

Here’s what you’ll get during our six-month journey:

Weekly virtual meetings (recorded)…

The first half of the meeting will be educational. We’ll address things like asking for help, reducing your stress, calming yourself, managing negative thoughts, communicating effectively, doing more self-care, organizing your time, delegating, and understanding the difference between men and women.

The second half is about offering support to each other. This is the bulk of where the magic will happen. Magic happens in so many ways being part of a group. It feels so great to know you are not alone in what you are experiencing. You will learn things from other women’s experiences. You will gain knowledge and resources from each woman’s wisdom. You will be improving yourself thanks to the accountability from others in the group. And you will feel part of a shared community.

An accountability partner…

We all need help to be held accountable. If I have a project to do (like organize my photos, which has been sitting in my closet for years, lol, which is true!) and there is no deadline, and no one is waiting on me to get it done, then it gets pushed to the bottom of the pile to do. But if I have something to do and there is a deadline, and someone else is waiting on me to get it done, I am more likely to do it. That’s what an accountability partner can do for you. You know someone else will be checking in with you to see if you accomplished what you said you would accomplish. This is optional, but there may be times in the group that this would benefit you.

Weekly challenges…

It will depend on the topic we will cover each week, but when there is a new skill to be practiced, it always helps to have extra motivation to accomplish it. For example, creating the habit of breathing before reacting is an effective life winning skill. So the challenge for the month could be a daily practice of breathing. Or let’s say we are working on building a better relationship with our partner. Appreciation is a proven technique to do this. So a challenge for this would be five verbalized appreciations daily for one week. Get it? Putting these practices into action is what will make them permanent and beneficial changes for you.

Unlimited email access to me…

If ever you have a particular question or issue that you’d like to talk about between group meetings, I’ll be there for you!

A bonus one-on-one deep-dive assessment…

I will schedule 1:1 time with you outside of the group to gather the information needed to complete the assessment. The goal is to help you understand exactly how your past might get in the way of your present choices. It gives you more perspective than ever on who you are and why you are that way.

How often do you walk away from a situation saying, “Why did I do that, or why am I feeling this way?” There are things from our past that keep playing out in our present, and we often don’t even realize it.

We all come out of our childhood experiences with certain set beliefs. Here are a few examples: Your dad was a hard worker but was hardly ever home or able to take part in important events. Your childhood belief became “I’m not good enough or important enough.”

Or you are one of several siblings in a very busy household that had a lot of rules to keep things moving forward. Your childhood belief became, “I’m not included, so I have to work harder.”

At the end of the assessment, you and I will take some of these unhelpful childhood beliefs and turn them into more helpful, empowering beliefs so you can stop playing them out over and over. When we shift these beliefs, you will shift in how you see things and do things going forward, creating a permanent change in you and your interactions with others.

What if you really could have it all??

Come for the support.

Come for detailed, customized guidance.

Come for the life-changing tools and skills.

But most importantly… come ready to be changed.

You will walk away emboldened, internally and externally.

You will walk away with more confidence, knowing the group’s energy, strength, and empowerment will forever be an extension of you.

You will walk away with less stress, more ease, more time, more comfort, more peace, and more joy.

Don’t put this off. Now is the time to start on your fulfilling, vibrant, and successful life!

Call me to see if Women’s Insider Circle is a fit for you: (626) 314-7094.