“Why even bother?”

You work so hard and still don’t get what you want.

Feeling stressed and exhausted.

You will do what it takes, but it seems what you’ve been doing isn’t working. And you keep getting the same results.

Unsettled and annoyed at yourself and others.

You look good on the outside. You’ve got a good job, family, and friends. But you know what’s going on in the inside.

All that chatter in your head tells you what you’re doing wrong or could do better and what everyone else is doing wrong, too.

Sometimes the things you say and do work against you. You’re tired and unhappy…

“What can I do to change this?”

It’s just not happening…

You want that promotion at work and deserve it!

So you keep trying… but in the end, it’s just the same disappointment and frustration.

You don’t understand why and don’t know what to do differently to make it better.

Your relationship isn’t what you hoped for either.

You want a relationship with your partner that will thrive and be everything you know it can be – fulfilling and happy.

Feeling unappreciated and unsupported, like you’re all alone and everything is on your shoulders.

And you know you have a part in what’s not working. Sometimes, you think it’s all your fault, and other times it’s all their fault.

Reading all the “How-To” guides to make things right.

You try to explain and communicate your needs, but it only ends in a fight. Nothing really changes.

“I don’t want a divorce. But we can’t keep this up. How can we make it better?”

In the end, you’re doing so much and still feel they don’t really get you, and they aren’t there for you the way you hoped. So, it feels like it’s all on you.

You really can get what you truly want!

You have been doing a million things to make everything right, and it’s exhausting.

But going in the wrong direction, getting the opposite of what you want, CAN STOP.

The truth is there is a reason why you do everything you do – even the things that work against you and that you regret.

All you have to do is stop everything you are doing.

First, figure out who you are and why you are that way. Then you can learn ways to get in control of how you think, act, and react. Finally, take the right actions to speak up and stand up for yourself in ways that move you to create the results you really want.

It is that easy, and that’s where I come in.

Hi, I’m Deborah.

My delight in life is to help people move from where they are to where they want to be, creating fulfilling and happy lives and relationships.

If you are ready to change your life, stop exhausting yourself, and still not get what you want, then I’m here to come alongside you, listen, and guide you.

As a Marriage Family Therapist for over 25 years, working with thousands of people, I have created a proven, practical step-by-step process individualized for you to bring you deep, lasting, positive changes within yourself, your life, and in your relationships.

In a supportive, grace-filled environment, I will teach you practical life-giving tools and skills that will help you understand yourself and why you keep doing the things that get in your way. We’ll determine what you can do differently to manage yourself better for success and help you effectively speak up and stand up for yourself, so you create your own happiness and relationship success.

How to stop working so hard at getting what you don’t want…

Know who you are and why you’re that way. Who you are, determines how you think, act, and react.

Take control. When you are in control of how you think, act, and react, you can create the life you want instead of just settling for what you’ve got.

Speak up and stand up for yourself. Confidence, clarity, and the right attitude allow you to achieve more in life, business and relationships.

Relationships and life can be great!

Changing your situations and your relationships
really begins with you.

You are the way you are for a reason. You do the things you do for a reason. And you continue to use strategies that make you work hard but don’t get you what you want.

There really are simple, practical steps you can take to work for you, not against you. We will get to the bottom of why you do things you shouldn’t do, the unhelpful things that get in the way, so you can have more of what you want.

You can have more happiness, less stress, and deeper connections!

Stop working so hard getting the results you don’t want.
Take a step back and look at the ways you’re actually working against yourself.
Call me today, and let’s get started on creating the life and relationships you want!

(626) 314-7094